Solatube International Launches Flame-Resistant Skylight

Getting Ready for Wildfire Season
Did you know wildfire season has increased about three days per year since the 1970s — and more than 46 million homes in 70,000 communities across the United States are at risk for Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) fires? As climate change makes wildfires more frequent and more intense, the need for fire-resilient building materials is more important than ever. In the immortal words of Bob Dylan, “the times, they are a-changin’.”— and as wildfires happen more frequently, homeowners and architects alike must adapt and find ways to withstand our changing climate.

Your Safety is Our Priority
In addition to making your home—or workplace—an energy-efficient, comfortable and productive space that promotes both health and well-being, we also want to keep it safe.
Losing a home is one of the worst things that can happen to a family. At Solatube International, we want to make sure our products do everything they can to keep you and your family safe while at home or the office. And while we can’t eliminate all fire risks, we can help make a building more resilient.
If you live in or work near a wildfire-prone area, our new Solatube tubular skylight rooftop fire glazing accessory—available for both residential and commercial applications—is a daylighting solution that can help give you peace of mind.

Solatube Rooftop Fire Glazing
The new Solatube Rooftop Fire Glazing is a multi-pane glass disk with a steel ring, designed to meet the increasing demand for fire protection in high fire areas.
It is made with a fully tempered top layer and includes two layers of glass laminated with a layer of PVB, which prevent the glass from dropping to the floor and igniting a fire inside the building.
Code compliant and tested by an ANSI accredited third party laboratory with the Target: Class B (1-hour extended) test. The testing successfully passed the requirements of ASTM E108- 07a.
The Rooftop Fire Glazing, when used in conjunction with the Solatube Dome Edge Protection Band, meets the prescriptive building code requirements for areas located in high fire areas and Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) zones.
The Solatube Rooftop Fire Glazing is available for the following models:
- The residential 160 DS and 290 DS models.
- The commercial SolaMaster Series 300 DS, 330 DS and 750 DS models.

No one wants to live (or work) in a concrete bunker.
The benefits of natural light in the home and workplace are far too valuable. Beyond energy savings, research has shown the benefits of top-lighting include improved comfort, productivity, health, and wellness.
If you want to learn more about our new Solatube Rooftop Fire Glazing, you can call 888.SOLATUBE to set up a free consultation or visit to find your local distributor.
Installation instructions and all other technical documentation are also available on the Technical Resources page.
Additionally, if any local official needs assistance understanding how this solution meets the prescriptive requirements of IWUIC 101.2 and IBC 708A.2.1, please contact Cal Fire or your local Office of the State Fire Marshal. The Office of the State Fire Marshall has stated that they would be happy to walk them through the prescriptive process.