New High-Tech Skylights at the Forefront of the Home Renovation Craze

2020 and 2021 set records for home renovations across the United States; homeowners emerging from a post-lockdown era are citing mental health strain and a need for change as causes for the boom in improvements. At the forefront of this renovation revolution, Solatube International Inc., the world’s-leading manufacturer and marketer of tubular daylighting devices (TDDs), spearheads the innovative home enterprise with its energy-efficient and cost-friendly daylighting solutions.
During the pandemic, life has revolved around the home, and many predominantly remained home bound for much of 2021. Respective homeowners have realized their well-being depends on their home’s suitability towards their needs, and as a result, homeowners have prioritized their mental health and worked towards achieving comfort in their homes through renovation projects and upgrades. According to, the focus on home renovation has soared, with the amount of money spent on home renovation projects increasing by 15% in 2020. Among numerous home renovation projects, the idea of natural lighting has grown in popularity and offered itself as a solution to a claustrophobic, dark home. Many homeowners have chosen Solatube Tubular Skylights as their home’s source of natural illumination and are reaping the benefits through immense financial savings and uplifted mental health.

“In the new year, we continue to see an increase in demand for products that help create a healthy home environment. Homeowners are realizing that their time and quality of life are worth preserving, and they would rather invest in improvements that promote their family’s overall well-being and help save money at the same time,” said Tim Deming, Director for Solatube International. “As we have seen, natural light is capable of far more than just illuminating the home; its effects on mental and physical health are truly remarkable. Every day, we are inspired by watching our skylights generate positive change worldwide.”
Since its inception 30 years ago, homeowners have been drawn to Solatube tubular skylights for its advanced technology and ability to deliver broad spectrum daylight to all areas of the home, including basements and small, hard-to-reach spaces. Using patented technology, tubular skylights harvest daylight at the rooftop, transfer it down a highly reflective tube and distribute it evenly into an interior space through a diffuser at the ceiling — on both sunny and cloudy days — with virtually no maintenance. It floods rooms in the home with beautiful, natural light at no cost once installed with no heat or cold transfer.
With the installation of Solatube tubular skylight, homeowners can cut down on their energy bill and reap the many physical and mental benefits of sunlight. Plus, the installation of Solatube tubular skylights is no daunting task; installation can be as short as two hours.
To learn more about Solatube tubular skylights, visit

About Solatube International
Solatube International, Inc., widely recognized as the daylighting industry innovator, has earned worldwide acclaim for its unrivaled ability to transform interior spaces with natural light. Based in California, the company is the leading manufacturer and marketer of tubular daylighting devices (TDDs) for all types of residential and commercial applications, and residential energy-efficient home ventilation systems. Solatube continues to innovate with groundbreaking products that increase energy efficiency and light output and were among the first innovations to receive the “Solar Impulse Efficient Solution” Label by The Solar Impulse Foundation, recognizing all the effort and innovative developments the company has made to become a recognized energy-efficient solution. Solatube celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2021. For more information about the company and its related products, visit
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