Rooftop Fire Glazing for SolaMaster

The new Solatube Rooftop Fire Glazing accessory was designed to meet the increasing demand for fire protection in wildfire-prone areas. The Rooftop Fire Glazing is a multi-pane glass disk with a fully tempered top layer and two layers of glass laminated with a PVB interlayer. The glass make-up meets ANSI Z97.1 safety glazing requirements and incorporates a steel outer ring for peace-of-mind. The Rooftop Fire Glazing is used in conjunction with the Solatube Dome Edge Protection Band to meet the prescriptive building code requirements for areas located in high fire areas and Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) zones.
The Solatube Rooftop Fire Glazing is available for the SolaMaster Series 300 DS, 330 DS and 750 DS models. For more information on this product and how it can benefit your project, please contact us.